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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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I'm trying to complete Mission: Impossible. I got to the final boss for the first time today, where you apparently have to stump the supercomputer about to launch World War III at a game similar to tic-tac-toe. Pretty strange ending, but I quickly lost the game and it celebrated by destroying the world. Take about a poor sport! The difficulty of this game is just relentless! It'd be much more managable if there were more password points in the game, but especially this last area is just freaking huge.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?



I'm totally enjoying it but I kinda get lost then realise oh shit I have to be up in 2 hours  ;D


I had a go at Big Nose the Caveman, Kiwi Kraze, and Toobin' this afternoon, as I'm trying to beat all of them for the NA challenge. I didn't finish off any of the three, but I'll keep practicing.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


If you can take down Kiwi Kraze, I'll be impressed. I've had it since I was a kid, never managed to finish it.

First time completion for me tonight: The Cyber Shinobi for Sega Master System. And I gotta admit, I think this might be the most overhated (if that's a term. Unjustly hated, anyway) game I've played. I heard a lot of people labeling it a bad game, but after completing it I gotta figure most of them just say that due to how different it is from the original Shinobi, without giving it a proper chance. Very solid game in its own right.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Today i've played some Plants vs Zombies, it's such an addictive game...  :)


Yeah, I'm not super-surprised to hear you say something like that, nightstar. I've been playing Kiwi Kraze off-and-on for a couple of months, and the game is just cruel. The enemy placements, the time limits... just nasty. I can't seem to do any better than level 4-2.

Tonight, I had my first taste of Animaniacs (SNES), which I recently picked up locally. After that, it was back to practicing for the NA challenge. I had a good run at Toobin, and wiped out three levels from beating the game. This one is pretty manageable. Then I took another crack at Big Nose the Caveman. I'm still grinding on the second island. Big Nose has some good things going for it, but it's unpolished in ways that make the game kind of tedious.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Quote from: nerdynebraskan on April 16, 2014, 06:12:50 pm
Yeah, I'm not super-surprised to hear you say something like that, nightstar. I've been playing Kiwi Kraze off-and-on for a couple of months, and the game is just cruel. The enemy placements, the time limits... just nasty. I can't seem to do any better than level 4-2.

Tonight, I had my first taste of Animaniacs (SNES), which I recently picked up locally. After that, it was back to practicing for the NA challenge. I had a good run at Toobin, and wiped out three levels from beating the game. This one is pretty manageable. Then I took another crack at Big Nose the Caveman. I'm still grinding on the second island. Big Nose has some good things going for it, but it's unpolished in ways that make the game kind of tedious.

Yes, I agree on your comments about Bignose.  Good game, but unpolished is a great way to describe it.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


I just played a little of Felix the Cat.


I had a nice little run on LAN Master (NES homebrew) a couple of hours ago, but most of my gaming thus far today has been with a small lot of Game Boy games I got in the mail the other day. Mario's Picross and Boxxle were the main highlights of the lot, but I had a decent time with most of the testing. I think I'll try to get back to beating Toobin' now.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Wait and See , what a terrible game  >:(


This afternoon, I got halfway through Shockwave (NES). Not bad, considering I've barely played the game before and had never played beyond the first seven or eight stages before. I took a password, and I'll continue with it later. Then, I continued to grind on Big Nose the Caveman and Kiwi Kraze. Now, I'm feeling like some Thundercade. I still have a lot of interesting stuff to choose from for the NA challenge.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I always downshift near a hybrid, so they can hear me hurt the environment...


April 21, 2014, 12:50:19 pm #3747 Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 03:54:35 pm by modeltfordman
I just received my copy of Earthbound today and Donkey Kong Country 2.

I just beat DKC 1. It is time for DKC 2.


More Shockwave (NES). I've zipped up to Level 40. This game is full of warps, and I keep stumbling into them!
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?
