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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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Super Mario RPG. I'm finally doing a run all the way through. It's been awhile since I played and it's so great.

These guys are my favorite:

I'm also playing Smash Bros 4 on both systems, as always.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Played some games on my famicom multicart extrordinaire, Street Fighter 2010, Contra, TMNT Tournament Fighters, Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers, Kage and Kung Fu.

Shumi Nagaremono

Found The Double Shooting (RayStorm and RayCrisis) at a resale shop this afternoon and have been playing the heck out of it all day.  Utterly *fantastic* PS1 shooter. 



Arctic Adventure: Penguin & Seal (NES)

This is the Australian version of the game, published by HES. I just got a copy in the mail a few days ago, after almost a month in the mail. I'm happy to have it. I'd say this is an underrated Sachen title.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I've been plowing through Willow. It's a pretty solid game, and I'm really liking the music.
Creativity is the spice of life


Had a blast with TMNT - Hyperstone Heist last night.  Had to cut it short, but I think I prefer the MD version to the SFC version after this :D

My for Sale / Trade thread


I'm playing through some Tetris 2 (NES) this morning. I'm trying to power through it for the NES Challenge on Nintendo Age.


I really need to pick up a copy of Hyperstone Heist. It's one of my two most-wanted Genesis games at the moment, along with Splatterhouse 3.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I just had my first taste of Mega Man in the Mushroom Kingdom (NES). It's a ROM hack of Mega Man 1, with all Mario-themed levels. It's interesting, if a bit glitchy.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Last game I really played was Chrono Trigger (in German) for the SNES.


April 28, 2015, 03:47:13 am #3910 Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 03:52:57 am by L___E___T
I've been playing Bloodborne mostly, my wonderful fiancé surprised me with a PS4 last week!


My reaction:


@NerdyNebraskan  I actually prefer it to the SFC version, it just feels a  bit more mature somehow.  You may actually want to try this enhancd version out, if you have an Everdrive:
My for Sale / Trade thread


For those that prefer the MD version of Hyperstone Heist...why so?  I personally thought it lame compared to the SNES version.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


April 30, 2015, 06:34:50 pm #3912 Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 05:02:39 pm by P
Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rondo for PC Engine. I just beat Shaft after several tries, damn it's harder than I remember it. Maria is so much easier to control than Richter but she can't take as many hits.

Post Merge: May 01, 2015, 05:02:39 pm

Rainbow Island (PC Engine version) - Got into a PC Engine mood but taking a break from vampire hunting. I have never come far in this game before, damn the bosses are hard!

Shumi Nagaremono

I'm continuing my attempt to beat all the games I never could as a kid.  Today, my challenge was IronSword.  I must have spent the better part of an hour on one jump...and never made it.  :(


Yeah, I find IronSword pretty tough too.

I've actually been playing a bit of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas over the past few days. The girlfriend started a game, and I've been helping her with it.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?