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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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February 27, 2016, 01:45:09 am #4050 Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 06:59:50 am by UglyJoe
Fallout4, Naval Fighter, Poker and bridge are some of my favorite games and the last game I played was Fallout4.


Quote from: zmaster18 on January 27, 2016, 09:18:04 am
I sold my Wind Waker HD bundle gamepad about a year ago. I researched before I sold it if i needed it to play the games. Well, the answers I found weren't very clear. You do need the gamepad to load games. :(

I think you can use the Pro Controller as a replacement for the Gamepad when controlling the Wii U (to load games, change settings etc).


Fallout 4 for modern games.
Final Fantasy Legend for retrogames.


I have been playing a little bit of Xbox 360 lately. I never got in to Xbox but lately have been tinkering with one. The last game I played was Sonic and Sega allstars racing.


Twinbee for Famicom. Either this game is a lot harder than it looks...or I'm just really bad at older SHMUP style games...


I just ordered TwinBee and I can't wait to try it. I hope it is hard; I like FC games to last me a long time.

I've been playing Twilight Princess HD lately. I'm loving every minute of it.  :link:


Quote from: BaconBitsKing on March 28, 2016, 02:31:02 am
I've been playing Twilight Princess HD lately. I'm loving every minute of it.  :link:

Me too! 35 hours in, got all the poes and Hyrule Castle is next. Too bad they fixed the fishing rod trick against Ganondorf though, that used to be
the trick I used against him. Oh well, will do it for real this time


Castlevania: SOTN. The temptation was too strong and I finally decided to emulate it. I really don't usually like emulating, but I can't really buy a PlayStation right now. This is such an amazing game, and much harder than I expected it to be. I'm currently in the Outer Wall stage of the game.



Mario kart 8. I just got a Wii u, and you know what. It's pretty sweet!


Nangoku Shonen Papuwa-kun on Super Famicom.

I didn't know this game existed up until a week ago, but it's fun. Made by the same developer as Violinist of Hameln.




I've been hammering away at Roger Clemens MVP Baseball (NES) this weekend. I had the game growing up, and I was horrible at it. Now I'm finding it pretty easy. I've won 19 games in a row and am very close to clinching a spot in the playoffs. It's a game that's worth 10 points in the Nintendo Age NES Challenge, but it's really just because most people find playing 40+ games of an NES baseball game too boring to attempt.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


NES remix pack for the Wii u. Fun game in my opinion.



I've been trying to beat Nuclear Throne for the last few days.  Can get to the last level, but can't quite beat it yet, and annoyingly it crashes a lot on PS4 when you fail :(

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