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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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Diddy Kong Racing

Well, I'm addicted to this, lol.
Consoles I own (by Generation):

1st: N/A 2nd: Colecovision 3rd: Game Boy Pocket 4th: Game Boy Color, SNES 5th: N64, N64DD, PS1 Sega Saturn  6th: Xbox, 2 Gamecubes, Dreamcast, PSP, DS 7th: Wii, Xbox 360, Ps3


son_ov_hades you have to finish MGS3.. It's my absolute favorite! It gets so good!

I'm a big MGS4 fan too, though I guess some people aren't.

Cam3ron@FW, I must have dropped hundreds of hours into Diddy Kong Racing on the N64 as a kid.. As much as I love Mario Kart, Diddy Kong Racing improved on it by adding in an adventure element, and a huuge island full of secrets... Tons of fun, it was.


Quote from: Mi5terDNA on January 26, 2011, 05:32:32 am
earthbound on my newly jailbroken ps3  ;D

playing snes in 720p is some srsly awesome stuff.

No offence but I hope Sony finds a way to ban pirated PS3's, like Microsoft did with Xbox 360.

pirating a console, how pathetic.


Quote from: Mi5terDNA on January 26, 2011, 07:14:15 am
... don't think I'm the only one on the boards using emulators to play rare/expensive games.  ::)

You're certainly not the only one, and I see no problems with it.

Aside from being able to play rare games, save states are nice to use when you want to play a game through your TV but don't have a lot of time to get through the whole game and instead need to break up playing time. 


Quote from: Mi5terDNA on January 26, 2011, 07:14:15 amthink I'm the only one on the boards using emulators to play rare/expensive games.  ::)

You're certainly not but hacking PS3 is a problem, and hopefully Sony will ban your console from accessing PSS/Online play.

By banning console, it'll be permanently banned no way back.

Sony needs to do as Microsoft did and everything will return to normal but the clowns will still play on their pirated PS3.


Even if Sony bans the consoles, they won't be very hard to unban,  If it's this easy to hack, it shouldn't be very hard to unban it, either.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Dead Space 2. I am still in the very early parts of the game, but it's good thus far.  :crazy:




Quote from: nintendodork on January 26, 2011, 10:35:12 am
Even if Sony bans the consoles, they won't be very hard to unban,  If it's this easy to hack, it shouldn't be very hard to unban it, either.

Try to unban an Xbox 360 then tell me how easy it was.

That's the ideal ban to ban the pirates. They don't deserve to play online, play PS3 games or anything else.

All they're doing is using someone else's content illegally.


That's why I analogized that if the PS3 is that easy to hack in the first place, it must be easy to unban.  The Xbox is hard enough to hack in the first place, because in order to JTAG one, you have to build a cable yourself and do some stuff (I don't know the specifics) to the board just to get it to work for a little while.  All the PS3 needs to be hacked is some data on a flash drive.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2 (Super Famicom)
I have been playing versus mode with my friends, they are all facinated by the reality that its a Yuu Yuu Hakusho videogame. :)


Quote from: nintendodork on January 27, 2011, 12:27:27 pm
That's why I analogized that if the PS3 is that easy to hack in the first place, it must be easy to unban.  The Xbox is hard enough to hack in the first place, because in order to JTAG one, you have to build a cable yourself and do some stuff (I don't know the specifics) to the board just to get it to work for a little while.  All the PS3 needs to be hacked is some data on a flash drive.

PS3 banhammers are already active, it's noted to be on Call of Duty Black Ops but it's probably in more games.

The pirates are gonna regret they hacked their PS3's now.


Never mind.  You're completely missing my point.

Anyway, last game I played was Pokemon Green.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


FamicomRetroGamer is so anti-piracy it makes me think he pirates games.  :P


Quote from: ericj on January 28, 2011, 01:01:41 pm
FamicomRetroGamer is so anti-piracy it makes me think he pirates games.  :P

Not really but I hate playing online and having people cheating/hacking.

PS3 banhammer should've been implemented since the beginning.