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Finds (All Others)

Started by JC, August 26, 2006, 12:11:58 pm

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Quote from: Nightstar699 on June 09, 2014, 06:44:12 pm

Hyperstone Heist was not a Western-exclusive, it was on JPN Mega Drive as "Return of Shredder", I believe. But just as is the case with Castlevania Bloodlines, and Contra Hard Corps, the Japanese version is much, much more expensive. (In fact, a lot of Genesis/Mega Drive games are like that, even non-Konami titles... I guess it goes to show how poorly the Mega Drive sold in its native Japan.)

Just curious, what makes you prefer Hyperstone Heist?  Of the two, I much prefered Turtles in Time.  I didn't like how the bosses duplicated in HH, but with different colors.  Seemed cheap, unoriginal, almost like lacking the power of that the SNES had. 
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Quote from: L___E___T on June 10, 2014, 06:37:47 am
I read the link - but what are the main advantages of the smaller board?

Yeah that website doesn't explain the 1CHIP board at all, only how to find it without opening the console. These are all the pros and cons of different board versions that I know of:

Earlier Model 1
+ Model 1 (expansion port, RGB without modding...)
- Model 1 USA version is ugly IMHO
- Worst video quality
- PAL version has region locked controller ports (a very easy mod though)
- The earliest version (1/1/1) has problems with freezing if all DMA channels are used in a game (later versions are fine though)

+ Next best video quality (can be modded for even better but still not as good as Jr)
+ Model 1 (expansion port, RGB without modding...)
- Model 1 USA version is ugly IMHO

Super Famicom Jr / SNES Mini
+ Best video quality (if RGB-modded)
+ Smaller
- Needs to be modded for RGB
- Had some big changes on the board which makes some games behave incorrectly (most games are probably fine though)
- No expansion port
- Expensive

In short 1CHIP is the Model 1 version with the best video quality. Junior has supposedly a bit better video but since it has a few disadvantages over the older models I prefer the 1CHIP. But who knows, there could be incompatibilities with the 1CHIP version as well since so many things have been changed on it. It's probably called 1CHIP because the CPU, PPU1 and PPU2 all have been combined into one chip.

Here's some comparison pictures. Just roll over the mouse over the pictures to see 1CHIP pictures: http://sd2snes.de/blog/archives/75

Here's more info and comparisons:


Surely the SNES Mini and SFC Jr. are the best of the best though and the rest are moot?

I would still like to pick up a SNES Mini at some point and RGB it as it's relatively straightforward.
My for Sale / Trade thread


The Junior is more popular and easier to identify (and thus more expensive), but slightly better video quality is not enough to make up for the the price and those other drawbacks IMHO. Bsnes author Byuu even went as far as calling it "more of a clone system" because of how different it is from earlier models.


I do have a brand new SFC Jr. but it can never be touched :)

I think I prefer the original SFC in appearance over the Jr., though while the US SNES is very ugly (yes I said it!), the US SNES Mini is the nicest looking model of the lot to me.  I must get one at some point.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I agree that the US SNES Mini isn't bad looking at all. The purple power and reset buttons looks better than the grey buttons of the Junior at least. But I'm missing the four colour logo representing the buttons, and the US SNES controllers with the purple buttons are still inferior to the Japanese and PAL ones.

It's more practical though. Since I guess you can easily mod it to take all kinds of cartridges. The Japanese and PAL you'll have to cut up the cart slot, which are seldom done neatly.


Quote from: Nightstar699 on June 09, 2014, 06:44:12 pm
Awesome! My first Twinbee experience (as is the case with many here, I'm guessing) was playing the original on a pirate multicart... since then I've grown to love the later installments. Yep, the one with Mothra on the cover is Kaijuu Daikessen, which was a traditional one-on-one fighting game. The other was Super Godzilla which I believe played like a strategy game of sorts? I dunno, not the type of game I'd be into.

Hyperstone Heist was not a Western-exclusive, it was on JPN Mega Drive as "Return of Shredder", I believe. But just as is the case with Castlevania Bloodlines, and Contra Hard Corps, the Japanese version is much, much more expensive. (In fact, a lot of Genesis/Mega Drive games are like that, even non-Konami titles... I guess it goes to show how poorly the Mega Drive sold in its native Japan.)

Ah ok, I believe I have "Return of Shredder" though I haven't fired it up much. If it comes highly recommended from you I'll have to invest more time into it. I think lately the JPN MD scene's prices have been on the climb. They're higher than what they used to be 5-6 yrs ago.


I'm not the biggest fan of either game, but I think I prefer the colour range and added effects in the SFC release.

To be honest I didn't play either back in the day, but I prefer Final Fight and Bare Knuckle by a good amount, out of which Bare Knuckle 2 is the stand out title.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Famicom related stuff

Wooden famicom box with red felt interior

Misc pickups

Astroboy figure

Felix the cat figure


So, I'm visiting my old stomping grounds of Sacramento, CA from New York, where I moved last year, and for two of those days, I stayed up at my dad's place in the foothills past Jackson, CA. When we arrived Monday night, he said "oh, I lost that list of games you gave me to look for at thrift shops" (Little Samson, Ducktales 2, etc.) "but we're having a church rummage sale starting this Friday and you can come look at what we have now. They have PlayStation games!"

I don't really collect PlayStation, but I figured, what the heck, maybe there's something I need or can sell or trade for something I want. Since my dad works at the rummage sale every year, he gets to buy stuff ahead of time and put it on a tab to be collected on the last day of the sale, so I got first pick at the games they had. Well, arriving at the church and expecting PlayStation sports games, I'm greeted by a very nice woman (who my dad has previously told I am a video game connoisseur, writer, etc.) who asks me "do you still have your old Nintendo Entertainment System? We have Zelda AND Link!" Amused and with my interest piqued, I told her nonchalantly "oh yeah, I have all that stuff." So she takes me inside, shows me the games and says "SNES games are $5 each. NES games are $2. Have fun!"

My dad walks over to see if there's anything I'm interested, and as I start browsing, I'm getting more and more titillated and finally I just tell him "get me a box, I think I'm taking everything."

All told, I spent $140.20 (many games came in those cool clear SNES and NES boxes like you'd see at Blockbuster, and there were two cases sitting by themselves which I bought for $.10 each) - 22 SNES games (everything they had) and 15 NES games (about half of what they had.) I left some good NES games because I prefer Famicom carts for non-RPGs, and also because I already had a few of them (like Shadowgate), and didn't know anything about the value of some of the rest of them (Wizardry, for instance)... and then there were a handful of good common games so I left those for whoever might want them.

This is without a doubt my best "in the wild" find ever. I'm most excited about Soul Blazer and Secret of Mana, since both of those (like most SNES games) have just become too expensive for my normal collecting habits... each was in mint (and I mean MINT) condition because they'd been stored in those cases, and came with manuals in very good shape as well. There are just so many games here I've wanted for so long... I still can't believe my good luck.

Here are the pics! Cases not pictured, but I got 14 NES cases and about 10-11 SNES ones. You might notice there's an E.V.O. manual there - it's MINT, too! But sadly, the game was *not* there, though it was pretty clear these had all come from the same collector. I wonder what happened to it! Alas. I'm not worrying about it. Hard to let something like that bum you out when everything else about the find is so great.

From Top: Deja Vu, Zelda II, Legend of Zelda (both near-mint, no chipping!),Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior I-III,
Secret of Mana, Street Fighter II, King's Quest V, Simon's Quest, CastleVania III, Soul Blazer, Secret of Evermore,
Prince of Persia, Bionic Commando, Crystalis, Ninja Gaiden, Magic Sword and Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.

From top: Inindo, E.V.O. manual, Chrono Trigger, Wanderers from Y's III, Rampart, Iron Sword,
Zelda 3 with manual, map and hint book, Final Fantasy II, Wizardry V, The 7th Saga, Paladin's Quest, Uncharted Waters,
Lagoon, Actraiser 2, Final Fantasy III, Drakkhen, and Dungeon Master.

SO. HAPPY. And the icing on the cake is, I discussed the lot with the woman who sold them to me, and she knew exactly what she had but didn't have time or manpower to deal with eBay. She was happy to see me clear them out and I didn't have to feel guilty for getting such a good deal.


All those Square SNES games for $5 a piece :o

That's an amazing find.


Lots of good stuff and a great deal too! Congrats!



Really loving te new finds - especially that Famicom case Stealth!  Been looking for one of those briefcases myself, got too many carts again.
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