March 06, 2025, 06:10:04 pm

Finds (All Others)

Started by JC, August 26, 2006, 12:11:58 pm

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Retro Gaming Life



That's a lot of stuff. Nice!


Totally killer finds!!! AHHHHHHHH!! ! !!!
Retro Gaming Life


How much did you get that Bio Miracle Bokkute Upa for? You could turn that over for some serious cash if you felt like it.  Was that another one of your really lucky finds?
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


AfterBurner for master system for 2.69



Quote from: nintendodork on November 06, 2011, 03:08:03 pm
How much did you get that Bio Miracle Bokkute Upa for? You could turn that over for some serious cash if you felt like it.  Was that another one of your really lucky finds?

Yeah I was gonna say, a boxed Bio Miracle ain't cheap!  Sweet Home's not exactly light on the wallet either.


Minus Bio Miracle Bokutte (bought that at a different store), that lot was about 11000yen or roughly 125-135ish dollars.

Hardoff hadn't anything new for a long time, so when I saw a bunch of boxed famicom games and all kinds of new stuff, I got a little excited and couldn't help myself.

All the famicom disk games and loose carts were 100yen each, except 3D World Runner, which was 200yen.
Super Metroid was 100, along with both those boxed Sega cards.

Sweet Home was 1800yen, but it's in fantastic condition, and I don't own it in the box like that, so I had to have it.

The rest of the boxed famicom games ranged from 300-800yen. (800= Wai Wai World 2)
Sherlock Holmes is one of those crap games you can find for real cheap, but for whatever reason, it's one of the few games I didn't yet add to my collection, and this one's in nice condition in the box, so I figured, what the hell. 

Oh, Final Fantasy 1 & 2 was actually 1000 yen.... But I'm telling you, this one is in perfect condition, .. it has a map and an entire player's guide inside too.

Bio Miracle Bokutte, was 13000yen (the cheapest I've ever seen it in box like that) but upon closer inspection, it has a difficult to see tape over the top and bottom inch of the box's perimeter.. I have no idea why it's there, but it seems dangerous to remove.  Anyway, it looks great, and the cartridge, instructions, etc, look new.  Been waiting for this game for awhile, and at the price, I couldn't resist...  There are still a couple games in the medium to high price range that I need to get  but that was the most expensive (I'm not looking to own a Recca cart anytime soon)

I have no idea what Doki Doki Highschool is, but I've never seen it before, so I'm happy to get it.  Same for Dr. Chaos... though I remember played thing on my friend's NES, and it's kind of a shitty game.. But I'm happy to have it complete on Famicom Disk.

Actually, here's a list of all the games I still need on Famicom cartridge:

Battle Storm

Ys 3 (Famicom)

Moon Crystal



Wacky Races (Chiki Chiki Machine)



Princess Ippai

Chip and Dale

Little Mermaid

Casltevania (they have this at A-too, the same place I got Bio Miracle Bokutte, but it's basically a hundred US dollars.. I'm not feeling that right now)

Power Rangers  (blue)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US version is Turtles 2)

Adventure Island 4

Captain Saver


Ripple Island

Grand Master


Balloon Fight (I want to find this for less than 1000yen, but I never have.. what's the deal :p )


That was a good deal for Bio Miracle Bokutte.  I double checked the price at Mandarake for a CIB one and they wanted 23,000 for it, so nice find.

And 800 yen for Wai Wai World 2 CIB?  That is a steal!


Quote from: tappybot on November 06, 2011, 09:25:59 pm
Balloon Fight (I want to find this for less than 1000yen, but I never have.. what's the deal :p )

I think I saw that somewhere lately for like 840 Yen or so.  :D (I don't exactly remember where, though...)


Retro Gaming Life


Awesome! Super Mario Land 4 "shin chan" hack!! How much did it set you back?


I paid 5 dollars for it. The rest of the games are very generic like Mario Land, Dr Mario, Yoshi, and Tetris among others.
Retro Gaming Life


Went to my local game store to return a game and ending up buying these.