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Finds (All Others)

Started by JC, August 26, 2006, 12:11:58 pm

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Some ebay scores.
Sailor Moon S - Jougai Rantou,Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension and a Super Adapter that has all of the pins ;D

Jedi Master Baiter

The Sailor Moon S fighting game is awesome. A bunch of girls beating up on eachother. ;D And the music! :o


Very nice fighting game scores, and I LOVE the way you have your collection set up. It's like a fortress of boxes surrounding the carts.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Micky Mania is an awesome game!



Tomorrow I am helping my father in law clean out his garage. He said he has a super Nintendo and a stack of games I can have in return. Hopefully there's some good stuff in there. I'll post pics when I get it home.


After about a 7 month absence, I return!

Here we have my haul from Anime Weekend Atlanta a couple of weeks ago! Got the Final Fantasy and Pokemon Crystal for just $6 each and I ended up paying a fair price for all the other games, but it was nice to not have to wait or pay for shipping  ;D

Here are a few games I am looking for right now
Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Sega Saturn)
GeGeGe no Kotarou (Sega Saturn)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Sega Saturn)
KiKi KaiKai (PC Engine) (CIB)
Puzzle Bobble (Super Famicom) (CIB)


Jealous of that Banjo tooie. Nice grabs all around!!


October 15, 2015, 05:50:29 pm #4103 Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 05:59:30 pm by JessicaWolf
Haha yeah, the funny thing is that in general I'm not too interested in N64 stuff, but since my ex stole my Banjo-Kazooie 1 and 2 years ago I decided why not replace them since I had the money that weekend.

EDIT: Although I would like to own a CIB copy of the Neon Genesis Evangelion N64 game, come to think of it, so I guess I do have a slight interest in the system.
Here are a few games I am looking for right now
Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Sega Saturn)
GeGeGe no Kotarou (Sega Saturn)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Sega Saturn)
KiKi KaiKai (PC Engine) (CIB)
Puzzle Bobble (Super Famicom) (CIB)


Antique store, 30 bucks.

Still not sure if I believe it.
Favorites: Castlevania, Metroid, Namco 18


R-Type is fricken awesome by the way.


Yeah, I was never a huge fan of how they tweaked the checkpoints for Super R-Type (now you always go back to the beginning of a stage when you die), but it's a pretty solid port of R-Type 2 otherwise.

I would love to own R-Type III for the SNES, but that game is now disgustingly expensive...maybe I'll luck out at some other antique mall in the future :)
Favorites: Castlevania, Metroid, Namco 18


The SNES rtype was my first taste of rtype so I just assumed that was always how it worked (starting from the beginning)


Quote from: SumixXam on October 20, 2015, 08:40:02 am
The SNES rtype was my first taste of rtype so I just assumed that was always how it worked (starting from the beginning)

Ah, the school of hard knocks!  :D

Although R-Type is hard knocks no matter how you swing it. Actually, some of the checkpoints in R-Type games are probably MORE punishing than being sent back to the beginning since you would be thrust into a situation where slow speed and no Force meant instant death.
Favorites: Castlevania, Metroid, Namco 18


Finally found a replacement for my Japanese Megadrive - the old one works, but the case is cracked.

It's a late model "all-Asia" (NTSC-J) console with TMSS and VA7 motherboard for those interested :)  I've read that's supposed to mean inferior sound, but I have one of those SCART cables that incorporates the stereo headphone jack too, and it sounds fine compared to every other Megadrive/Genesis of various revisions I've had.  Maybe I'm just tone deaf.