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Finds (All Others)

Started by JC, August 26, 2006, 12:11:58 pm

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Quote from: zmaster18 on March 20, 2016, 08:27:11 pm
What are your thoughts on Amiibo? Do you have any and which one is your fave/most wanted?

Although I have none (yet) I love the concept. It's a smart business strategy as well I think. You can't just pirate them like you can with software (at least not until 3D printers gets much better and cheaper).
I'd love to get a Link, Marth, ROB (Famicom color), or Rockman (normal blue one) maybe. They are a bit expensive though and I don't own any games that uses them. I haven't spent much time on modern games lately, so it will have to wait a bit longer before I get my first Amiibo.


How long did it take for him to send it?  He ignored me once he got me my money and has numerous reviews about fradulently selling bootlegs.  Now I guess he has moved up to outright theft.



Bogniforus are you posting in the correct thread?  It's not clear you you're directing your complaint toward.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Yet another small score.  And yes, I've already region modded for TG-16 games too.  Plus AV modded it, which took zero effort as it natively outputs composite anyway.
Super easy kit to install, took me maybe an hour fiddling with aligning pins.
I don't know how to fox. D:


July 26, 2016, 03:42:02 pm #4144 Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 03:59:25 pm by nusilver
Okay, so I've been looking for a deal on this one for 19 years and finally just realized... you know what? I didn't have the money or means to pay for this when it was much cheaper, but I have PLENTY of rare and uncommon games I've spent money on in the meantime but never wanted anywhere near as much as I wanted this (games I got super deals on, like Trip World for $13 USD and Final Fantasy for $2.) I won't lie - it was expensive, in the low $1000s, but I've already sold enough to make up about 70% of what I paid (that along with taking care of our neighbor's animals for a week, which got me about $300), and the rest will come when I take care of those animals again next month. Also, yes, this copy was on eBay recently, but I negotiated a few hundred dollars off the price from the seller, so I definitely did not pay what he was asking originally.

So, here it is: my personal gaming holy grail. I'll also link to my Instagram Super Nintendo account if anyone wants to check out what I'm doing over there, since this was my most recent photo there. By the way, I forgot to photograph the right side of the box, but it is sunfaded like the top of it is. both sunfaded sides show a price tag of about 11,300 JPY - anyone know if that's an original price tag? What did Super Famicom games go for originally?


I gave my original Super Nintendo to my first girlfriend many years ago. I got this one for  $40. Good deal?


Quote from: karaokeninja on August 01, 2016, 12:49:35 pm
I gave my original Super Nintendo to my first girlfriend many years ago. I got this one for  $40. Good deal?

The lighting of the flash kind of throws me off, did you buy a counterfeit SNES Jr.  :question:


If it's real it's not a bad price. No cables or controllers?


Quote from: karaokeninja on August 01, 2016, 12:49:35 pm
I got this one for  $40. Good deal?

I would say it is :) please get it RGB modded!

- NuSilver - super happy for you, an incredible find in that condition!!
My for Sale / Trade thread


It's not counterfeit. I checked the label and opened up the system to check. It's real! Came with power supply and RF switch. I already had an SNES controller so I wasn't worried about that! My friend is gonna do the mod for me. Pretty excited!


Good, it's really a good deal. :D More controllers are easy to find too. Be sure to get a good RGB cable for it. Not one of those cheap ones, they are even worse than RF.


Very nice!  The photo just makes it look weird I think, I thought the case might have been painted.  Congrats :)



If you can get it modded cheaply it's an even better deal - I paid £100 for my RGB prepped SNES Mini in that condition...  That is (well, was!) $150 to put it into perspective.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on August 03, 2016, 11:06:08 am
nusilver - super happy for you, an incredible find in that condition!!

Thanks, man! Saw you follow over on Instagram! I haven't added any new posts in a few days because life got REALLY rough after that game showed up (completely unrelated, just happened that way), but I have several new SNES games and a couple SFC games on the way so I've got some fun posts planned. :)


Picked up a few odds and ends this week, plus a GBA clone, Revo K101 Plus  ;D

Here are a few games I am looking for right now
Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Sega Saturn)
GeGeGe no Kotarou (Sega Saturn)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Sega Saturn)
KiKi KaiKai (PC Engine) (CIB)
Puzzle Bobble (Super Famicom) (CIB)