Resident Evil and Zelda A Link to the Past CIB Pirates

Started by featherplucknfilms, April 04, 2013, 05:47:16 am

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I found these pirates while living in China.  Usually I don't care too much about pirates but these are CIB!!  ;D  Too bad I don't have a Famicom system here though to try them out.  The Zelda is A Link to the Past...


Would love to see some more shots of the Zelda manual :D
My for Sale / Trade thread


The screenshots in the manual appear to be the Super Famicom version but I don't know.  I need to buy a cheap pirate system to find out what's on the cart!


How much do those go for?

The manuals look very nice.  :o



I have the Zelda one, only it has a different box art.  Same manual though.

Not sure about the Resident Evil one, but the Zelda one is made by a Chinese company known as Waixing.  The Resident Evil was probably made by either Waixing or another Chinese comapany called Nanjing.  Both companies released about 100 Famicom games each, and they really aren't overly great games, or so it has been said (due to the Chinese RPG nature of the majority of these, I really can't give a fair comment since they are inaccessable to me)

These games do not tend to sell for a large amount of money either, though if you decide you want to part with them, I would gladly buy from you, as I am trying to go for a complete set of these.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


is the Zelda game a colored version of the gameboy masterpiece?  :o


I have seen those Chinese RPG's you're talking about but stayed away from them.

Keropi - I don't this so, the cover art is from the Japanese version of  Link to the Past and the screenshots appear so also. 


No, none of those screenshots are from any official game. Besides the items are from A Link to the Past and not Link's Awakening.

Edit: Ah featherplucknfilms answered while I was typing!


oh yeah, you are right, I made an error with Zeldas  :fire: :fire: :link:


Game Boy games pirated on Famicom is a great idea....


You dont want zelda the triforce of gods if you actually want to, say...beat the game! It's plaqued with the 4th boss being unbeatable due to a freezing glitch whenever you land a hit on him...tried it on av famicom and clones consoles broken and only beatable on emulator.
- Collecting should be about owning the games as much as playing them!