What Does This Do? (AC Adaptor Input)

Started by Jedi Master Baiter, May 27, 2013, 01:24:09 am

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Jedi Master Baiter

May 27, 2013, 01:24:09 am Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 03:56:09 am by Jedi QuestMaster
I got this with my AV Famicom along with a power adapter that's now finicky (tv screen shows some snow).

I never really questioned what this did until now when I need a new power adapter. (btw, the one I was using is 9V output, 100-240V input)


It looks just like a physical adapter for the plug. Does the male part fit in the female part on the same adapter?


I can only make a guess but It looks like it changes the size of the tip?

Perhaps to use on different devices?

is the output tip size the same as the input or slightly different?

What marking is on the adapter.

The AV famicon has written on the bottom to use HVC-002 mark adapter. I do not see this cable bundle with original AV famicom

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: ringl on May 27, 2013, 03:18:32 am
The AV famicon has written on the bottom to use HVC-002 mark adapter. I do not see this cable bundle with original AV famicom

Yeah, this was included along with the power adapter by the seller.

The tips of both the power adapter and this adapter are the same size (the male end fits with the female end of this thing).

Quote from: ringl on May 27, 2013, 03:18:32 am
What marking is on the adapter.

The power adapter? Or the one in the picture? The power adapter is a small, non-FC adapter: 9V output, 100-240V input

I don't see any markings on the one in the picture.



Then the only other reason that I know of is perhaps it just changes the polarity around.

ex. convert from the centre negative to centre positive.

You will need a multimeter to test.


Aha a polarity converter! That makes sense. If you don't have a multimeter you can at least check the labels on the Famicom and the AC adapter to see what polarity they have. I think AV Famicom expects center negative just like red and white Famicom. It should say センターマイナス (center minus) or something or have a symbol like "+ ---(--- -" if it's center negative.

Just don't plug the AC adapter without that polarity adapter in case it has the wrong polarity or it might damage your console.

Jedi Master Baiter

The Famicom shows this:
Quote+--ͼ-- -

While the power adapter shows this:
Quote- --ͼ--+

Regardless, I'm probably not going to be using it anymore.

By the way, I've read over & over again that the Genesis model 1602 power adapter works fine. Would this be a permanent fix?


Quote from: Jedi QuestMaster on May 28, 2013, 01:12:22 am
By the way, I've read over & over again that the Genesis model 1602 power adapter works fine. Would this be a permanent fix?

Yes, I use one with my Famicoms and I've never had a problem.

Jedi Master Baiter

Thanks, good to know I have that option.

I decided to try out the finicky AC adapter again to find that it worked perfectly! :o