Raf World guide book?

Started by Silius, August 14, 2013, 12:11:58 pm

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Tons of guide books for famicom games are out there. Does anyone know if there is a guide book for the fantastic game RAF World? Couldn't find anything online...

The other day I ordered a guide book for Twinbee as this is a very popular game in Japan and I like the comic look of it  :)


I've personally never seen one...


If you haven't seen one then there isn't one...  ;) btw, great site you got. I always enjoy reading your reviews  :bub:

Are there any Famicom guide book collectors on here? Is there a guide which is somewhat special and worth tracking down (exceptional art work, comic strips, posters, maps aso.)?


 Thanks for your awesome feedback about the site :)

I have a small collection of FC guidebooks, mangas and storybooks - I like the ones that have extra illustrations not found in the released games (I can't think of one on the top of my head, maybe Guardic Gaiden and Commando). I recently found a cool Adventure Book of Gradius which has a lot of really nice illustrations in it. By the way, I have scans of most of my guidebooks (front cover and small inside previews) on my site if you are interested, I'll add the Gradius one soon :)