For Sale: Lot of non working gaming stuff

Started by fcgamer, September 22, 2013, 03:54:29 am

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So I know you guys might be thinking, "Why would I want a lot of nonworking gaming stuff?"  Well, just take a look at the contents in this set.

There is a crap ton of obscure unlicensed Game Boy stuff, some obscure unlicensed Sega Mega Drive stuff, some Famicom games, and even a few Game King carts.  Some of these games work, but have some errors with them, while others I could not get to run (though you might have better luck with your machine). 

If interested, please make me an offer on this stuff.  I would rather sell it here (not looking for terribly much) than have this stuff hit the dumpster, which may happen if I can't clear it out otherwise.

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September 22, 2013, 11:24:11 am #1 Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 03:41:52 pm by MaxXimus

Post Merge: September 22, 2013, 03:41:52 pm

Mine. ^_^



I hope when you clean them that they all work, also please post the result of what games the GB carts contain.


Yup, everything here has been sold!

Some of these games did work for me, albeit not properly, and others I could not get to load.  Here's hoping that they are just dirty, some just are incompatible with my machine (this happens a lot with this bootleg stuff), etc.
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After a good cleaning a bunch of this stuff loads on the first try. Some is a bit more finicky (the gameboy games) and some will boot but they hang when you start the game. There are a few that don't boot at all but that's exactly what I payed for haha.

The 20 in 1 multicart has 20 unique games, mowt of which are uncommon and unlicensed. Sonic and knuckles 5, power ranger 2, and a bunch of others. Titles 9 through 11 boot but the graphics are mwssed.

I can post results of the other stuff if any people are interested. I am very pleased. :)


Regarding the gb games that don't work. I had a multigame cart with same problem. Insert the cart with the top removed into a gb. press hard on the epoxy chip and start the gameboy.