Super Mario Bros. 3 was released today. ..

Started by MaxXimus, October 23, 2013, 06:12:48 am

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Discuss how amazing this game was and how it still easily is one of the best Mario games in existence.


I remember being absolutely enamoured with the key art.  I think that's the first example where I remember hype being associated to that art.  This game was EVERYWHERE I Iooked at the time.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I remember my friends following the Nintendo Power strategy guide so that we could get to the coin ship.  We only managed to do it once and to this day it still seems kind of surreal.  So many coins at once!


October 23, 2013, 11:51:33 am #3 Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 12:46:32 pm by MWK
I remember playing it with my friend, back in the day, all days long. He was the first around to have that particular cartridge (pirated of course = mid 90's in Poland, we didn't have anything legit around, lol) and literally everyone would do anything to be invited and being able to play it, even for like a minute or so. For reasons unknown he always liked the most playing with me, maybe because, so as he, I never used any warpzones or anything to skip a single stage - all of them, hell, the whole world had to be cleared out before we proceeded to the :help:

edit:: Oh, btw, he also was the very first one in my neighbourhood who discovered a pattern for the to pop up. Note that it was waaaay before internetz or "tips&tricks" magazines :-)


It was the only NES game my family bought new. It was my last new game up until a couple of things in the PS2 era.

What can you say about Super Mario Bros 3 that hasn't already been said? I do think it's my favorite Mario game of all-time, and it's totally deserving of its place in history as the pinnacle of the NES era. It's probably a toss-up between it and Mega Man 2 for the most sophisticated NES game released prior to 1990, and it definitely holds up against even the last platformers released on the platform.

I honestly had trouble getting into the SNES for a long time, because Super Mario World only felt like a couple of baby steps beyond what Super Mario Bros 3 had already done.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


My little brother got it as a birthday present in the morning and we tried it out just before going to school. In school I couldn't concentrate on anything. All I could think about for the rest of that day was jumping, running and whatever else as the role of Mario or Luigi.

After playing it for a while I thought it wasn't that different from SMB, but before I knew it I had played it so much that I almost knew every level by heart, and it's still fun! I can say the same thing about Super Mario World.


My next door neighbor back in 1990 had it and I used to go play it at his house from time to time.  It just made every other game I had ever played to that point pale in comparison.

Coincidentally my wife and I have been playing it for the past week or so.  It is interesting to compare it to SMB, which we were able to finish all the way to the end after only a couple of tries.  With SMB 3 though we`ve been playing it for a week we haven`t gotten past the 4th world yet, even with the ability to continue.  Both of us had SMB as kids and basically memorized every inch of it, but neither of us had enough exposure to SMB3 to memorize it like that. 


Yeah, Super Mario Bros. 3   :(
never get chance to play that game...and want to have it so much (Famicom version) :'(


@ senseiman

Going for a long-play completion of it, eh? It's kind of a huge commitment on original hardware, because there's no password or battery and the full game is pretty damn long.

I've spent hundreds of hours of my life with that game, and I've managed to conquer every level at least 10 times I think. The hardest stuff for me is actually in Worlds 6 and 7. World 6 is the obligatory "ice world", so there's all of that slippery platforming goodness waiting for you there. It actually has the craziest single-stage in the game, too. There's an optional level in that world (in that there's two paths to the end, so you don't have to get through this to reach the castle) where the only way to beat it is to have a raccoon suit, grab a Koopa shell, and carry it up while flying to an area hidden above your line of sight and kick the shell through the enemies and bricks between you and the warp pipe out of there. THAT was the last level I ever beat in the game, long after I'd dropped Bowser through the floor and saved the princess a dozen or more times.

I haven't done a full long-play of that game in years. I've burned through dozens of spare copies in my years of reselling, but when it's time to test the games I inevitably grab the warp whistles in World 1 and jump straight to World 8 to beat down Bowser and finish the game in about 15 minutes.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Quote from: smeghead on October 27, 2013, 07:16:10 am
Yeah, Super Mario Bros. 3   :(
never get chance to play that game...and want to have it so much (Famicom version) :'(

Dobar dan, my friend.

You seriously never played that one? Or?  I thought you would surely have it on a bootleg or something...  If you seriously don't have this one, I'll gladly send you a complimentary bootleg copy, but I just can't imagine how that could be possible that you never played this one!

Regarding that game:  My brother's friend had that game, and we played it a few times.  Then my brother would get a copy for his birthday, I believe, and we would play that game for hours.  It is easily one of my favorite NES games, and it is my favorite Mario game of all time.  By now though, that game is much too easy for me...I can usually make it through the whole game, all stages beat, in maybe two hours or something like that.

Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Hi, fcgamer!  :)
I only played it on PC via NES emulation, but i never played or have it on cartridge!
You have SMB3 that you don't need? Maybe we can do some trade if you're interested in any of my games!
Here are my trade topics...


I have a couple copies of smb3. An official and a bootleg hack with unlimited items. Maybe we can work a traxe?

Assuming fcgamer doesn't.


Quote from: MaxXimus on October 31, 2013, 07:16:10 am
I have a couple copies of smb3. An official and a bootleg hack with unlimited items. Maybe we can work a traxe?

Assuming fcgamer doesn't.

Hehe, I sent him one ;)
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Thanks man, can't wait to get it !!1
Soon i'll have some more games for trade so i'll inform. You guys than about it!


Great game. Played it as a kid at my cousins' house. They even made a video (Betamax tape) couple hours long on how to finish the game without using warps or anything. It was fun watching the tape later.