Famicom World


All 60 to 72 pins converters, like this NASA Games Super Adaptor, do the same thing; they convert your Famicom 60-pins games to 72 pins so you can play all your Famicom games on your Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

There pretty much are only three types of 60-to-72-pins converters out there. The first and second types are similar to the one you see below, but only one type comes with the handy ribbon that helps you pull the short converter and Famicom game out of your NES; the other has no ribbon. The third type is kind of what you see below, minus the plastic casing. That type of converter is found inside early “black box” NES games, like Gyromite, and is considered the only converter of Nintendo quality.

There is nothing special about the NASA Games Super Adaptor. Several companies made these types of converters. NASA Game’s version seems to be one of the more common of the name brand converters. The one in the picture was imported from Europe, purchased for $10. Not a bad price since most converters, even the cheap-looking ones found in “black box” games go for that price.

A blue ribbon is used to remove the converter.

The front of the box.

The back of the box.